Cities in the Bible | Bodies of Water | The Exodus | Bible Animals | Trouble with the Law |
What City was Jesus Born?
Red Sea
God enabled Moses to part this sea so the Israelites could pass?
Who said to Pharaoh "Let my people go!"
Jesus cast the demons from a demon possessed man into what animals?
Who wrote many books in the New Testament from prison including the book of Ephesians?
The Israelites, following God's instruction, marched and used trumpets to conquer this city?
The Nile River
What river was turned to blood in the first plague?
A Rock
What dis Moses strike with his staff and water came out?
What flew back to Noah on the ark with an olive leaf?
John the Baptist
Who was beheaded in prison and his head brought to Herod on a platter?
What city did Jesus come into on Palm Sunday?
Sea of Galilee
What Sea did Jesus calm after the disciples woke him up because there was a storm?
Who was Moses' brother that was with him during the exodus from Egypt?
God spoke to Balaam through what talking animal?
King Nebuchadnezzar
What King had Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego thrown into the fiery furnace?
In what city was Daniel thrown into the den of lions?
Jordan River
What river did Joshua and the Israelites cross to get to the promised land?
What number plague was the death of the livestock?
Lion and Bear
What two animals did David kill while tending his father's sheep?
Island of Patmos
Where was John exiled to when he had a vision and wrote the book of Revelation?
What city did Lazarus live in?
What river was the border of the land given to Abram's descendants as part of God's covenant?
Whose bones did Moses take when they left Egypt?
During a drought, what brought Elijah bread and meat?
Who was in prison with Paul praying and singing when there was an earthquake?