Arterial Blood Gasses Mechanical Ventilation Oxygenation Acute Lung Injury Grab Bag
What is a modified allen's test?
The test completed before drawing arterial blood gasses to ensure proper blood flow.
What is neuromuscular blocking agents?
Medications given to patients to paralyze the lung muscles to increase ventilator compliance
What is capnography/end tidal Co2?
The censor placed on the end of an endotracheal tube after intubation to determine correct placement.
What is adequate oxygenation and ventilation?
Goals of therapy for acute lung injury.
What is sleep deprivation?
The most common reason for sleep deprivation in critical care patients.
What is uncompensated respiratory acidosis?
pH 7.12, CO2 85, HCO3 24, pO2 50
What is oral care?
A task performed every four hours to decrease ventilator associated pneumonia.
What is corner of mouth to the end of the jaw?
The correct way to measure the sizing of an oral airway.
What is empiric therapy?
Antibiotic therapy geared towards most likely cause for infection.
What is coughing, increased respiratory rate, visualized secretions, low saturations?
Clinical signs that patient needs suctioning.
What is metabolic acidosis?
Most likely ABG result for a patient in DKA.
What is high pressure alarm?
The alarm that sounds when ventilator tubing is kinked.
What is intubation?
A patient's PaO2 continues to decrease despite high levels of oxygen being provided through a non-rebreather. This is what the nurse should prepare for next.
What is providing oxygen with no response in PaO2?
A sign of acute respiratory distress syndrome that occurs in all types.
What is tachycardia, RR> 30 or <10, SpO2< 90%, accessory muscle use, signs of fatigue or pain, abnormal chest wall movement, cardiac irritability, hypertension, increased CO2, decreased pH, agitation/anxiety?
Signs of weaning intolerance. (Name a few...)
What is compensation?
The body's natural response to an alteration of pH due to metabolic or respiratory issues.
What is PEEP?
The ventilator setting that prevents the lungs from collapsing on expiration.
What is assess the patient?
The first action the nurse should perform if low O2 sats are noted on the monitor.
What is direct injury?
The type of lung injury associated with covid-19 or aspiration.
What is decrease stimulation, lowering lights, lowering volume, clustering cares, massage, family presence, day/night schedule?
Ways to increase sleep in ICU patient.
What is 109?
The P/F ratio in a patient with PaO2 of 82 and FiO2 of 75.
What is chest x-ray?
The definitive way to assess for correct endotracheal tube placement.
What is oxygen and bag valve mask.
The equipment that should be kept at bedside for all patients receiving mechanical ventilation. (2)
What is 24 hours or more?
When the radiographic evidence of ARDS should occur.
What is oxygenating, positioning, protecting them from external factors?
The most important factor when patient is receiving neuromuscular blockade medications.

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