Observation | Space Margins | Speed | Steering | Communication |
What is A6
Examinee fails to use mirrors when visibility out of the rear of the vehicle is obstructed.
What is B5
Examinee blocks crosswalk when pedestrian(s) is/are present on the right side of the crosswalk or approaching from the left.
What is C4
Examinee uses their left foot to brake
What is D3
"Examinee initiates a turn with only one hand from inside the wheel (left or right)
What is E3
Examinee fails to cancel signal if completing a turn, within 4 seconds after becoming parallel with the edge of the road
What is A1
Examinee fails to shoulder check just prior to changing road position more than 1.5 m
What is B8
Examinee attempts a lane change in the blind spot of another vehicle
The examinee is driving 46-49km/h in a 70km/h zone when an emergency vehicle is displaying flashing lights.
What is D1
Examinee turns tires to the left while waiting to turn left
What is E1
Examinee uses horn inappropriately
What is A4
Examinee fails to do a 360-degrees check immediately before backing. (Does not include mirror check.)
What is B1
Examinee unnecessarily maintains a road position in another vehicle’s blind spot
What is C5
Gear change results in abrupt speed change, causing the examiner to lurch.
What is D1
Examinee angles vehicle to the left
What is E3
Examinee drives straight thru an intersection without cancelling signal; no other vehicles present
What is A7
Examinee fails to identify more than half of the hazards up to one block ahead of their vehicle within two seconds of the examiner identifying it.
What is B4
Failing to yield to Transit bus with a yield sign
What is C8
Examinee fails to keep the brake applied when stopped
What is D4
Rider fails to maintain body position at approximately the same angle as the motorcycle while riding at a higher speed, turning or cornering
What is E2
Examinee applies signal too soon, where other road users could misunderstand signal
What is A8
Examinee shows lack of knowledge in operating headlights (high and low beam) and/or windshield wipers during the vehicle safety check.
What is NO MARK
Examinee stops further than 9 m back from the vehicle in front when no other vehicle is following
What is C6
Examinee allows vehicle to roll back between 31 cm and 1 m.
What is D1
Examinee steers with hand or hands inside steering wheel or on spokes of steering wheel
What is E4
Examinee shows lack of knowledge of hand signals during the vehicle safety check