CRISPR Microprocessors Artificial Intelligence Random
CRISPR is a precise tool for editing DNA sequences.
What is CRISPR for?
Federico Faggin
Who invented the first commercial microprocessor at Faichild?
A monkey. Neuralink has videos of a monkey playing a game with its head and getting a banana smoothie in return.
What animal was able to control a video game with its brain and a piece of technology developed with the intention of keeping humans smarter than robots?
Birds - they use it to align with the electric field of the Earth
What animals use quantum mechanics for navigation purposes?
Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
What does the acronym CRISPR stand for?
2-3 months
How long does it take to make a microprocessor, from start to finish?
AI is incorporated into a variety of different types of technology. Which one of these is not an example? Automation, machine vision, SIRI, natural language processing.
The amount of energy required to detect it would create a black hole. (Dyson Freeman’s Paper)
Why can't a graviton be detected by a particle accelerator?
CRISPR technology takes advantage of an enzyme called cas-9, which has the ability to search for a specific spot in a DNA sequence and cut it. The body heals the DNA on its own, replacing any unwanted letters with the closest substitute. CRISPR array itself is the information that cas-9 uses.
How does CRISPR edit DNA?
Silicon, quartz, metals, chemicals
Name an ingredient in microprocessors? What’s it made of?
Machine learning is “teaching” computers how to improve themselves automatically using data, without humans having to do it themselves.
What is machine learning?
Lagrange point 2 (Lagrange points are positions in space where objects sent there tend to stay put. At Lagrange points, the gravitational pull of two large masses precisely equals the centripetal force required for a small object to move with them. These points in space can be used by spacecraft to reduce fuel consumption needed to remain in position.)
Which lagrange point is the James Webb Telescope going to be launched into? Half points for correct number of lagrange points.
cas-9 in bacteria is used as a defense mechanism from viruses. After bacteria has survived an attack from a certain virus, it uses a CRISPR array to “remember” the DNA of the virus, and create pieces of RNA when the bacteria is attacked a second time. Cas-9 uses that information to snip the DNA of the virus if it ever encounters it again, disabling that virus.
What is cas-9 naturally used for in a bacteria cell?
They wear a full body surgical suit to prevent dust from getting into the chips and ruining their functionality.
What do the people making the microprocessors wear while they are working and why?
What coding language is mainly used to build AI?
Plastic bottle, tin foil, can, I think salt water and some paper?
what do you need to make a capacitor at home?
Multiple answers. Ex: Not making changes to anything that would never occur naturally, using it equitably, some people not using it on human DNA at all.
What do many people believe we should avoid when using a powerful tool like CRISPR?
A photoresist is applied to the silicon, and then hardened using UV rays. Once the photoresist hardens, HF (hydrofluoric acid) is used to etch the circuit design into the Silicon Oxide. (an answer close to this is fine as well)
How are the lines/logic pathways created on a chip?
Spaces matter.
What is one key difference between writing code in Python vs other languages?
Yes, because the Higgs boson has mass.
Can the Higgs boson interact with itself? Why?

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