Quick, the police are coming What to do when on trial Are you on offense or defense? Intention is what matters What about those cases?
What is the accused
The person charged with an offence; defendant in a criminal trial
What is a jury
A large Group of citizens legally selected and sworn to inquire into any matter of fact and to give their verdict according to the evidence
What is an involuntary action that does not arise from a disease of the mind
Non-Insane Automatism
What is motive
A reason for doing something, especially one that is hidden or not obvious
What is resolution discussion
A pretrial meeting between the defence and Crown to try to resolve the case without a trial
What is the charge read to the accused and the plea entered, also the opening of a criminal trial
What is
- Summary conviction
- Indictable
- Hybrid
The Categories of offences
What is actus reaus and/or mens rea
A guilty act and/or a guilty mind
What is driving a car
Exception for the police officers to search a person without a warrant
What is the witness, judge, jury, crown prosecutor, defense counsel accused observers, court recorder, court clerk
The 7 Courtroom Participants
What is if any of the following situations occur
- Murder is planned or deliberate
- Victim is a law enforcement agent
- Death occurs while another crime is being committed
General example of First degree murder
What is
1. Aiding or abetting
2. Accessory after the fact
3. Organized crime
2 parties to an offence
What is on Sunday?
In the case where Mr. Brown wanted to kill his business partner to have all the profits for himself, on what day did he attempt to carry out his plan?
What is section 10 of the Charter of Rights and
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"
What is
- Discuss the case with anyone other than other jurors
- Follow media reports about the case
- Disclose any information from jury discussions that is not revealed in open court even after the conclusion of the trial
Jurors must not do any of the following
What is "necessary" and "reasonable" force
The exceptions to self defense
What is
1. Recklessness or Willful Blindness
2. Knowledge
3. Motive
4. Attempt
5. Conspiracy
3 types of mens rea
What is
- Defending themselves, their dwelling, and/or their property.
- Witnessing an indictable offence while it is in the process of being committed.
- Assisting a police officer.
Citizen's may arrest someone if...
What is
- must be Canadian citizens
- must be at least 18 years of age
- must have resided i the province or territory for at least one year
- must speak either English or French
- must be mentally fit to take on the responsibility
The 5 qualifications that a juror must have
What is Section 11 of the Charter Rights and Freedoms
Your right to be informed without unreasonable delay of the specific offence you are being charged with.
What is an example of Willful Blindness
Delivering an unknown package for a
known drug dealer without asking what is in it.
What can be the following:
- Murder weapon
- Old man
- The train
- The women with glasses
In 12 Angry men, there were many arguments to contradict the initial evidence. Name 1 that was mentioned in the movie


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