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What is early and late postpartum hemorrhage?
- >500cc for vag or >1000cc for c/s - Early (up to 24h): retained POC, lacs, coagulopathy, uterine atony/inversion/rupture - Late (24h-6w): retained POC, infection/endometritis, subinvolution of placental sit
Defines the two major classifications of blood loss after delivery.
What is Embolism?
Embolism 17% Hypertension 12% Ectopic Pregnancy 10% Hemorrhage 9% (Note-- if ectopic and hemorrhage are combined, then hemorrhage would be the #1 cause of maternal death)
Most common cause of maternal death
What is inflammation, migration, proliferation and maturation?
4 phases of wound healing
What is cefazolin?
Alternatives: clinda+ gent or quinolone or aztreonam Metronidazone + gent or quinolone (preferred for immediate PCN hypersensitivity)
Antibiotic used in hysterectomy or urogyn procedures
What is Vicryl?
Synthetic absorbable suture with half life of 2 weeks
What is fibrinogen?
Whole blood has 600-700mg +RBCs, plasma (packed RBCs have no plasma or fibrinogen) FFP has 600-700mg + Antithrombin 3, Factor 5/8 Cryoprecipitate has 200mg + Factor 5/8/13
Common element in whole blood, fresh frozen plasma, and cryoprecipitate.
What is obstructive shock?
Types of shock include hypovolemic, hemorrhagic, distributive, cardiogenic, obstructive, and septic
Type of shock associated with mechanical obstruction of blood flow
What is a Contaminated (Type III) wound?
Wound classifed by a break in sterile technique
What is none?
Antibiotic used in laparoscopy
What is Silk?
Nonsynthetic nonabsorbable suture
What are complications of massive transfusion of giving > 6 units PRBCs?
- give FFP and cryopreciptate to prevent DIC - Blood is stored cold, monitor temps - Citrate in blood binds to Ca, give Ca gluconate prn - pH of stored blood is 6.9-7.0
Can cause dilutional DIC, hypothermia, hypocalcemia, hyperkalemia, acidosis, and ARDS when trying to treat severe hemorrhage
What is septic shock?
Decreased pulm capillary wedge pressure, increased cardiac output, decreased systemic vascular resistance
Type of shock that has increased cardiac output
What is a Clean Contaminated (Type II) wound?
Wound classification following a GU tract surgery
What is doxycycline?
*with history of PID or procedure shows dilated fallopian tubes.
Antibiotic used in hysterosalpingogram
What is PDS?
Synthetic absorbable suture with half life of 3-6 weeks
What is acute hemolytic transfusion reaction?
-Acute: min-hrs, immune mediated, ABO incompatibility, STOP transfusion - Delayed (days-weeks): low Hgb with high bilirubin - Non-hemolytic **most common - Urticaria alone - Anaphylaxis
Reaction occurs within minutes to hours of a blood transfusion
What are acute pyelo, septic abortion, chorioamnionitis and endometritis?
4 most common causes of septic shock in obstetrics
What is Maturation?
3 weeks to 2 years
Stage of healing characterized by collagen and scar tissue formation
What is BMI of 35 or >200lb?
Recommended 2gm dosing of Cefazolin in patient with this BMI or weight
What is plain gut?
Absorbable non-synthetic suture with half life of 7 days
What is Class III hemorrhage?
- Class I to IV
Class of hemorrhage in pt with 1500-2000 mL blood loss, HR 120s, R >20, low BP, anxious and pale
What are E coli, K pneumoniae, and proteus species?
Endotoxin released from cell wall of gram neg bacilli causes multiorgan dysfunction
3 most common organisms that cause septic shock in OB
What is a Clean (Type I) wound?
Wound classifed by an operation under ideal operating conditions
What is none?
Antibiotic used with urodynamic studies?
What is chromic?
Absorbable non-synthetic suture with half life of 21 days