Types of Credit | Credit Score | Spending Habits | Debt | Nothing |
What is a Car Loan
A loan borrowed to pay off a car
What is 30% or lower
A Good Credit Utilization Rate
What is debt
Poor money management can lead to...
What is a Budget
An estimate of income and expenses for a set period of time
What is Business Loan
A loan borrowed to develop a business
What is 850
The Maximum Credit Score
What is when you understand finances
The age you should keep track of your spending habits
What is an Emergency Fund
A bank account that sets money aside for emergencies
What is a pay day loan
A short term cash loan that is paid the next time the borrower gets paid
What is a Thin File
When you don't have enough credit history for a credit score to be produced
Should you collect information on your spending habits?
What is the Debt Avalanche Method
Strategy that involves paying off the debt with the highest interest rates
What is a Personal Loan
A loan borrowed for personal reasons
What is 7 years
The amount of time that information stays on your credit report
What is good financial resources
Should you have good or bad financial resources when you borrow money?
What is The Debt Snowball Method
Strategy that involved paying off the debt with the least amount of money first
What is a mortgage
A loan borrowed to pay off a house
What is Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian
The three main nationwide credit bureaus
What is 50-30-20
_% for needs _% on savings and _% to wants build good spending habits
What is retirement/65
The age you should be debt free