Day 1 | Day 2 & 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 |
What is GOD
According to Genesis 1:1 Who created everything
What is The Water
According to Genesis 1:6 What did God separate
What is Sun
According to Genesis 1:16 What light did God create to have dominion over the day.
What is Sea Creatures
According to Genesis 1:20 Which did God create first birds or sea creatures
What is Day 6
According to Genesis Did God create animals on day 5 or day 6
What is Time, Space & Matter
According to Genesis 1:1 What three things did God create that are key elements to life.
What is Sky or Heaven
According to Genesis 1:8 What did God call the expanse between the waters
What is Moon
According to Genesis 1:17 What light did God create to have dominion over the night
What is Their Kind
According to Genesis 1:21 God created every sea creature according to what
What is Cattle/livestock, crawling things and wildlife
According to Genesis 1:24 God said "Let the earth produce what kind of living creatures
What is without form or formless
According to Genesis 1:2 What was the shape of the earth
What is Dry land
According to Genesis 1:9 What did God "let" appear
What is God saw that it was good
According to Genesis 1:18 This statement is made for the 4th time
What is He Blessed them
According to Genesis 1:22 What did God do for the birds and sea creatures
What is OUR image
According to Genesis 1:26 In whose image did God create man
What is He Spoke
According to Genesis 1:3 How did God create light
What is Seas
According to Genesis 1:10 What did God call the gathered waters
What is To Give light to the Earth
According to Genesis 1:17 What is the purpose of the stars
What is BE Fruitful and multiply
According to Genesis 1:22 What command did God give the birds and sea creatures
What is He was given to rule or have dominion over it
According to Genesis 1:26 What is man's relationship with "all the earth"
What is He separated or divided it from the darkness
According to Genesis 1:4 What did God do with the light
What is Seeds and Fruit
According to Genesis 1:11 & 12 God created the plants and trees along with what items
What is to Mark seasons, day & years
According to Genesis 1:14 God states three purposes of the lights
What is Evening and morning
According to Genesis 1:23 What came at the end of day 5
What is every plant and every tree
According to Genesis 1:29 What did God give man to eat