Characters Touchpoints Principles and Assumptions School-Home Connection
What is Patrick
This is the name of the boy in the story
What is value passion where you find it
This is the principle or assumption used in this scene, "Thank you for sharing that information with me, I can see it’s important to you. Thank you for coming in to work together to develop strategies that can help Patrick."
What is school-home communication journal
This is the way the parents and provider decided to use by writing back and forth
What is 5 years old
This is the age of the boy in the story
What is be willing to discuss matters that go beyond your traditional role.
“You mentioned a bedtime concern, tell me more about it and what you would like to see happen there.” demonstrates what principle or assumption
What is CDS he enjoys listening to and doing movements to at school
This is a resource the provider offered when the parents mentioned using Patrick's love for music
What is regression as a result of a new baby sister/ new family dynamic
This is mom's biggest concern
What is look for opportunities to support parental mastery.
The provider asked during the role-play, “What are you trying at home that seems to be working with you?” This is the principle or assumption they are keeping in mind
What is asking Daniel to join in throwing/catching with Patrick.
This is how the provider supported parental mastery in scene 3
What is his love for music/ playing catch (baseball)
This is a way dad wants to use Patrick's interests/ strengths to support him
What is look for opportunities to support parental mastery OR focus on the parent-child relationship
When the provider suggests that dad steps in to play catch with Patrick, this is the principle she is valuing.
What is a picture schedule
This is the idea the providers and parents collaborated around during bedtime

"Crash Landing" Role-Play

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