Caller Verification | Documents | The Remix | T1 Return | The Remix Pt 2 |
What is Enhanced Caller verification
You use this method of caller verification when a taxpayer has a pin on file but fails to use it to authenticate themselves.
What is a T4 slip
What do they need. A taxpayer asks you send a copy of their income earned from their employer.
What is FMR
Taxpayers are able to file taxes using this special service if they have simple taxes and are invited
Who is Rebecca
We are currently working on their return during this module
What is FMR
Taxpayers are able to file taxes using this special service if they have simple taxes, and receive a letter of invitation
What is Regular Caller Verification
This method of caller verification is used to update a marital status for a taxpayers account.
What is 15 business days depending on the taxpayer local mail service
This is the timeframe taxpayers are provided when they request documents to be mailed
What is a Legal Representative
This person has the same rights as a taxpayer for their tax requirements and are able to managing their CRA information including Identification
What is line 23600 - Net Income
The line used to calculate your eligibility for benefits
What is a legal representative
This person has the same rights as a taxpayer for their tax requirements and are able to manage their CRA information including identification
What is Simplified Caller Verification
You use this method of caller verification when a taxpayer request a personalized remittance voucher
What is AMS or e-services.
These agents assist with issuing security codes to be sent by mail.
What are modest income and simple tax situation
The eligibility criteria to qualify for CVITP
What is December 31st
The effective date of the marital status reported on a tax return
What is line 10100
The line number on a T1 return where you would report the amount from box 14 of a T4 slip
What is a Control Question
This next step in caller verification is only used after completing the highest level of security to ensure your talking to the correct taxpayer
What is a NOA
This is the document sent to taxpayers when their taxes have been assessed
What is Instalments
Depending on your situation you can get a letter assigned to you of Q, F, X
What is the age of TP (65 or older) on Dec 31st or did they receive the amount due to the death of a spouse / CL partner
The criteria that determines whether a pension is reported on L 115000 instead of L 13000 for income received shown on a T4RIF boxes 16 and 22
What is Heron Rd / Mainframe
The program where you will find T1BEN
Multiple attempts were made by one or more callers to get information about this account. These callers were not able to verify their identity with our contact centre agents. As a result, the CRA has taken steps to protect the information on this file. You will need to submit documentation to the CRA to verify your identity. Until these documents are reviewed, you will not be able to call us to access this account.
You say this statement to a taxpayer when there is a 3 strike bulletin
What is an Option C/ statement of income and deductions
Some taxpayers use this document for mortgage purposes to validate their income
Who are Royal and Paula
These two are amazing facilitators (according to the majority of learners in our surveys!)
What is T1 Case
The system where you would check the processing status of a T1 Return or reassessment
What is T2201
The application to apply for DTC