COVID BENEFITS | Refunds | Searchables | The Remix |
What is CRB
Would would be eligible to apply for this benefit if you were unable to work due to the COVID pandemic once CERB came to an end.
What is Heron Road
We use this system to request a duplicate payment to be sent.
What is line 10100
This is the line where you report employment income
What is Eli and Wade
These were the Team leaders presenting for GO3 on the very first day
What is $5000
This would be the amount your would have been required to obtain by working to meet this particular eligibility criteria
What is SPS
This system provided additional information regarding payments made to a taxpayer outside of Tsad and Heron RD.
What is File Net
You access this system to find documents taxpayers have sent to the CRA via MA.
What is Petawawa
This place is known for having a large community of government employees and is the place she calls home
What is a T4E Slip
This is what is sent to a taxpayer indicating the benefits received for the year by Service Canada regarding Covid benefits
What is a 535 form
This is considered a legal document a taxpayer has to complete in order to obtain funds they have not received by cheque
What is a T1BEN
You send this when you have an activity type of accounting T1 and 12 weeks have passed.
What is Martin
This person always has their own segment during what did you have for lunch time.
What is a T1case
This is what is created when a taxpayer received an error message and code when applying for a Covid benefit.
What is form T105
This form is sent to a taxpayer when they are requesting written confirmation that the refund was direct deposited in their account 8 years ago.
What is T1-M form
This is completed when you have relocated to live closer to work and you accrued costs
What is Suzanne
This person filled in for one of the facilitators for an entire week
What is One time disability payment
This is paid out to taxpayers as long as they have an approved T2201 on their acct.
What is Payment Products and Services Directorate, of PWGSC
These are the folks you send a taxpayer too if they are not able to identify the department of government that sent them funds and you as the agent confirm that it was not sent by the CRA.
What is an internal lead
You send one of these if you suspect the taxpayer does not qualify for the Covid benefit
What is Niagara Falls
This is where they went to celebrate their special day on August 27 2022