Cognitive Development | Social Cognition | Language Development | Emotion Development | Identity & Gender |
What are cognitive schemas?
Cognitive structures that allow us to process, organize, and interpret information.
What is More Knowledgeable Other (MKO)?
A person with a higher understanding or skill level than the learner for a particular task.
What is Infant Directed Speech (IDS)?
A common type of speech used by parents when talking to infants.
What is primary?
The name for the category of emotions that emerge within the first year of life.
What is intersectionality?
The term for multiple overlapping social identities.
What is deferred imitation?
Infant's ability to repeat actions that they observed at an earlier time.
What is guided participation?
A type of scaffolding for culturally-valued skills.
What is telegraphic speech?
Two-word phrases that use simplified but correct grammar.
What is rumination?
Persistent thinking about negative experiences.
What is identity versus role confusion?
Erikson's stage of development that occurs during adolescence.
What are sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational?
The four stages of Piaget's theory, in order.
What is a false belief task?
The most common task used to measure Theory of Mind.
What is 7,000?
The approximate number of languages worldwide.
What is the rouge test?
The procedure used to investigate when infants first develop a sense of self.
What is gender constancy?
The understanding that gender is a stable trait that does not easily change with development.
What are inhibitory control, flexibility, and working memory?
The three skills associated with Executive Function.
What is personal fable?
The adolescent belief that one's experience is unique from others.
What is perceptual narrowing?
The term that describes the process of infants transitioning from "universal listeners" to "native listeners".
What is behavioral inhibition?
The tendency to withdraw or become fearful in novel situations.
What is moratorium?
The category that is characterized by being low in commitment but high in exploration.
What is immaturity of the hippocampus?
The explanation for why we cannot remember autobiographical events before age 4.
What is postconventional?
The third level of Kohlberg's theory of moral development that most individuals never reach.
What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?
The hypothesis proposing that language influences cognitive development.
What is emotional contagion?
The term used to describe when infants cry in response to hearing another infant crying.
What is congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)?
The name for the hormonal imbalance that results in the overproduction of androgens during prenatal development.