Canterbury Tales | Beowulf | Le Morte D'Arthur | Satire and Modest Proposal | Grammar |
Where the pilgrims were headed
What is Grendel
The monster Beowulf fights
What is Arthur
The Christ figure in the story
What is killing and eating babies
The plan Swift proposed in the Modest Proposal
What is spell them out
What you should do to contractions and small letters in a paper
What is Lust
What sin is connected to the Wife of Bath's tale
What is old English
What Beowulf is written in
What is Late Middle English
What language the story was translated into
What is irony
A doctor who has bad health is an example
What is hungry, but
Where the comma should be
Bently was hungry but the fridge was empty. |
What is Middle English
What language the stories were written in
What is kenning
mark makers, whale road, the greatest warrior, Prince of the Geats are examples of this term
What is Sir Thomas Mallory
Written by
What is sarcasm
When you fail a test and you say "Wow I did great"
What is apart
Which apart/a part
Hannah is so sacred about being _____________ from her dog for a week |
What is the Miller
The pilgrim who told the filthiest tale
What is clergy
The profession they believe the author of Beowulf had
What is knights love for his lady, rep of number 3, idealized chivalry, imaginary setting, disguised identity, supernatural elements
3 elements of Medieval Romance
What is Ireland
Where Swift is originally from
What is they're
What their/there/they're
______________ never on time for anything. |
What is envy and pride
The two sins that have a positive and negative meaning
What is fights demons or monsters, tempted, succeeds, values honor and glory, makes rash decisions, strong, achieves goals, accepts challenges, generous to followers, embodies morals of culture
3 characteristics of an epic hero
What is Bedivere
The knight who did not throw the sword into the lake
What is to create a change
The goal of satire
What is library; Reese
Where the semicolon should be
Gavin, Lisa and Karen were going to go to the library and Reese, Sydney, and Will were going to the cafeteria. |