Evolution Carbohydrates Lipids & Proteins Cells Cell Membranes
What is natural selection?
Survival and reproduction of the organisms that are genetically best adapted to the environment
Monos: glucose, fructose, galactose
Dis: sucrose, lactose, maltose
Polys: starch, cellulose, chitin, glycogen
Give an example of one monosaccharide, one disaccharide and one polysaccharide.
What amino acids
The building blocks of proteins
What is the cell theory?
Identify this statement: all living things are made of cells, cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things, and all cells come from other cells.
What is diffusion?
Movement of materials from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration with no energy added.
What is random chance
Mutations occur because of this:
What is energy?
Carbohydrates provide this for your body
What are 3 fatty acids and one glycerol
The building blocks of lipids (nutritional ones only)
What is the mitochondria?
The power house of the cell
What is osmosis?
Movement of water from an area of high water concentration to an area of low concentration
What are genetic variation, environmental pressures, and a struggle to survive
3 requirements for natural selection to take place
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Draw one polysaccharide and label it with its name
What are the roles of lipids in your body?
Provide your body with energy, cushion organs, and make up cell membranes
What is the nucleus?
The brain of the cell, contains the instructions for building and operating all the cells in your body.
What is facilitated diffusion?
Movement of materials across a membrane from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration THROUGH A MEMBRANE PROTEIN
What is
If one individual has a trait that gives him/her an advantage over other individuals, what will happen to that trait in the population over time?
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Name 4 foods that contain carbs.
Proteins & lipids from animals contain cholesterol (the bad kind). Too much of these saturated fats can therefore cause heart problems.
Not all fats & proteins are equally healthy. Discuss.
What are ribosomes?
Organelle responsible for manufacturing proteins. Found in the cytoplasm and on the surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Made in the nucleolus.
What is active transport?
Movement of materials across a membrane against a concentration gradient (from low to high concentration) through a transport protein.
Those bacteria that were already resistant (because of a mutation) survived and reproduced; the others were all killed off by the medicine.
Describe why many bacteria are now resistant to antibiotic medicines (drugs that kill bacteria).
Complex carbs are better for you than simple. Complex give you longer energy, vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc. Simple cause energy spikes and fool your body into thinking it needs to eat more, thus making you overweight. They can lead you down the path
Some carbs are good for you, some not. Discuss. Give examples.
I will judge.
Give examples of 2 foods for each: proteins & lipids.
What are lysosomes?
Responsible for breaking down old organelles, waste and sometimes entire cells.
It will shrivel down.
If you place a red blood cell into a hypertonic solution what will happen to the cell?

CP Biology Midterm Review

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