Session 12 | Session 14 | Session 16 | Session 17 | Session 20 |
- You need to keep their morale high.
- Need to stimulate innovation, creativity, initiative. - You need the information to flow. - Information is like a lubricant that helps them do their work properly. - There is always going to be tension in internal communication. The tension between what employees need and what the company needs. - Need for balance for internal communication
Why are employees, crucial stakeholders?
the continuing commitment by business to contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as the community and society at large
Define CSR
1. how do I want to be seen by my stakeholders?
2. what activities must I put in motion to move the perception of each stakeholder?
What are the two key questions for any communication strategy?
Strategies that firms develop to address public problems in the absence of effective governmental infrastructure or processes
Define public responsibility strategy
Free to choose Passive Forced to react
What are the 4 response strategies?
- Communication between manager and subordinates.
Essentially person to person. - Related to specific tasks and activities of each employee. - Takes into account your morale and well-being of the employee.
What is Management communication?
planet profit
What is the triple bottom line of CSR
- Your organization lives in an environment, it has consumers, competitors, stakeholders, etc. everything has to be taken into account.
- Your long term choices must adapt to your organization and must be feasible within its conditions. - It must also take into account the company's environment and deal with the opportunities it may face.
Explain the following strategy:
strategy = organization + external environment |
- CSR is about “giving back” to society
- Public Responsibility is about filling a void left by the “absent” government
Difference between Public responsibility and CSR
- Your company is attacked and unfairly blamed
- You have proof to show that you are not to blame - You attack the attackers, call them out on their unfair coverage
Explain free to attack strategy
- Communication between organization and employees.
- Essentially non-personal. - Related to corporate decisions and developments. - Takes into account the need for information for direction and efficiency. - Internet, emails, Internal TV.
What is corporate information?
charitable promotional strategic transformational
What are the 5 CSR approaches?
because it sits in the middle of the company and environment. You have to take everything into consideration when creating a communication strategy.
Why is communication strategy a frontier work?
because it sits in the middle of the company and environment. You have to take everything into consideration when creating a communication strategy. |
the company provides services that should normally be provided by the public sector
What is the provision of public services strategy?
- Company thinks it cannot be harmed and chooses to remain silent
- Typical of industrial suppliers, B2B, private or monopolistic companies - Danger of falsely assessing your immunity or strength - Almost impossible strategy to maintain in today's world because of how information travels and everyone has a phone/camera.
Explain free to ignore strategy
In downward communication, information flows from top to bottom. The company tells you what is important and valued.
In upward communication, the information goes from employees to company (bottom to top). Information is about the employees, what needs to be done and how.
Explain downward and upward communication.
- Companies aim to inform objectively about their CSR activities
- Media dossiers, brochures, reports, pamphlets, websites - Unidirectional
What is the informational strategy when communicating about CSR?
1. rational
2. symbolic 3. emotional 4. generic 5. pre-emptive
What are the 5 message styles?
- Company uses its power and influence to support the development of political or social infrastructure
Explain the support strategy
- Your choices are limited in the crisis: you must react, defend yourself
- You need to get the media to listen to your side of the story - Make a company spokesperson available and educated reporters - You won't do well if you have poor media or little interaction
Explain forced to defend strategy
Organizational identification focuses on creating identified employees in order to make them more productive. The identity is based on what the company means to you and there has to be an overlap between your personal values and the company values.
Organizational Silence is when employees keep quiet. They believe that speaking up will hurt them or have no effect. There comes a point where the entire organization gives up and poor decisions are made. Big fear of making mistakes and you lose your competitive edge.
What is organizational identification and organizational silence?
- A specific part of a company’s CSR
- Relates to engagement with the local communities in which your company operates - If badly managed, it can have negative consequences for your reputation
What are community relations?
1. strategic intent
2. define communication objectives 3. identify and prioritize target audiences 4. identify themed messages 5. develop message styles 6. develop a media strategy 7. prepare the budget
Name the seven steps of planning and executing
approach for situations of urgency or when the company can augment (supplement) government efforts
When is it ideal to use the supplement strategy?
- Circumstanced force your company to be silent and passive
- “We are unable to comment at this time”, due to lack of information or other circumstances - Puts you in a very vulnerable position. Silence = guilty. - You let others do all the talking - Should be a temporary strategy. “Passive” is usually dangerous in communication
explain forced to avoid strategy