Emotions | Brainy Bunch | Scenarios | Name the coping skill | Random |
Define happy
feeling or showing pleasure or contentment
What is a coping skill?
Things that you say and do to help manage uncomfortable emotions
Mr. Joe is making me sit in the corner in gym class. I really want to play volleyball with my class. I am so mad!!!!
a. I do what I want and play volleyball b. I cry and roll on the floor c. I run around and tell Mr. Joe I hate him d. I count to twenty in my head
d. I count to twenty in my head
Steve decides to listen to positive music
What is your favorite coping skill (doesn't have to be one listed in the presentation)
Good job :)
Define sad
feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy
What is stress?
Stress is how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened
Which is a healthy coping mechanism for dealing with an upcoming test?
a. Ask someone to quiz you b. Taking frequent breaks in between studying c. Telling yourself it's not a big deal and not studying d. Pulling an all-nighter to study
b. Frequent breaks in between studying
Steve decided to meditate
Who should practice coping skills?
Define anger
a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility
Why is stress bad for you?
-It can make you feel sick
-It leads to more uncomfortable emotions -It makes it hard to focus/think |
Someone is crying over something bad that happened, is this a negative coping skill?
No, it's not a negative coping skill, they're releasing the emotions in a safe way.
Steve went to talk to a trusted adult because he needed help
Crisis plan
When should you use coping skills
Any time you want to manage uncomfortable emotions
Define anxiousness
a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome
What chemicals do rigorous exercises create in the body?
a. endorphins b. stressors c. calories d. cholesterol
a. endorphins
You see someone taking a break from an overwhelming situation, do you:
a. force them to go back into the situation while they're just as upset b. Leave them alone and let them take their break c. tell them they're being dramatic d. ask them if they need help and respond accordingly
b. Leave them alone and let them take their break
or d. ask them if they need help and respond accordingly |
Steve wants to skip a meal to lose weight, he goes to the meal despite this
Opposite action
What mental illnesses may make it harder for a person to cope with uncomfortable emotions?
Depression, Anxiety, or any other mental disorder is correct as well.
Define stress
Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure
What do endorphins do in the body?
-relieve pain and stress
-improve your mood |
You have a conflict with someone. Do you
a. harm them b. break their things c. talk to them calmly d. talk about them behind their back
c. talk to them calmly
Steve is drawing out his feelings
Your friend is avoiding everyone and is oddly quiet. You thought she just needed a break, but it's been a month, what is this coping mechanism called?