What did the carrot say to the beet? I'm rooting for you!! Coping Skills and the Brain Name That Coping Skill Problem Solving Strategies Overall Wellbeing
What is feeds our body, feeds our mind
Why is eating healthy food is good for our mental health.
What is the emotional part of the brain.
What part of the brain is the first to react to any situation, the emotional part of the brain or the problem solving part of the brain?
What is Deep Breathing
Inhaling deeply and exhaling deeply over and over until you feel calm
What is no.
If something happened and it makes you angry should you react right away?
What is 4.
How many different food groups should you eat in a day?
What is...
What are three healthy and three unhealthy foods.
What are mood changes and memory problems.
How does stress affect our brain in daily activities?
What is Mindfulness
Focusing on the present moment, acknowledging your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
Who is, a trusted friend, family, teacher, counsellor.
If something happened that upset you, who should you talk to?
What is at least 8.... yes that includes weekends
How many hours should you sleep each night?
What is both.
Can stress or anxiety cause an increased or decrease in apatite?
What is Fight, Flight, Freeze Response.
The three ways in which we respond to danger (all start with F)
What is Distraction
Watching television, exercising, reading, or engaging in other pleasurable activities to distract oneself from the stressful event.
What are take a break, ask for help, deep breathing, mindfulness, etc.
When you get overwhelmed by a situation what are good coping skills to get through it?
What is 8 cups.
How much water should you drink each day?
What is mindful eating.
Eating that focuses on an individuals' sensual awareness of the food and their experience of the food not on the nutritional value of the food?
What is the prefrontal cortex.
Part of the brain responsible for problem solving.
What is Journaling
Writing down your thoughts and feelings helps to improve your mood, prioritize problems, fears, and concerns and recognize triggers.
What are...
Step 1: Identify and define the problem. State the problem as clearly as possible.
Step 2: Generate possible solutions.
Step 3: Evaluate alternatives.
Step 4: Decide on a solution.
Step 5: Implement the solution.
Step 6: Evaluate the outcome.
Steps to solve a problem
What is 30 minutes every day.
How much physical exercise should you get every day?
What is 95%.
How much of our bodies serotonin is produced in our gut?
What is
Amygdala - processes emotion
Hippocampus - Stores information
Hypothalamus - Baseline behaviours
Thalamus - sends information to other parts
Name a part of the limbic system and what is does.
What is talking with a trusted friend, adult, counsellor, etc.
Talking about our problems and sharing our negative emotions with someone we trust can reduce stress, strengthen our immune system, and reduce physical and emotional distress.
You have control of how you react and how you let the situation affect you, you know that the rumors are not true and so should your close friends and family.

You do not have control of your classmates actions.
You hear that some classmates are talking about you and spreading false rumors online. In this situation what do you have control of and what do you not have control of?
What are...
Be grateful and have a positive outlook. What are three things you are grateful for.

Coping Skills

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