Greenhouse | Offer Tracker | R Cubed | I-9 | Ya'll Should Know |
What are UltiPro, initiate background check and send in IDs within 72 hours.
Your coordinator sent an email from GH shortly after you introduced them, requesting the new hire to complete what steps within what amount of time?
What is Candidate "to do".
If an item is highlighted in orange on the tracker - what does this color of highlight refer to?
What is Training + HR.
Your hire from a previous class reaches out wanting to restart in the next class. Who do you need to loop in?
What is a Driver's License.
This document allows an individual to operate a motorized vehicle.
What is Moved to Recruiter Past Due status and the recruiter is responsible for getting the remaining items completed by the new hire.
What happens when a new hire hasn't completed their checklist after the additional 24 hour reminder email has been sent and they were in Past Due status?
What is Full Legal Name
Your candidate mentions they go by "Scooter" however, you must confirm their ______ before moving forward and use this on all documents pertaining to their offer.
What is Accuracy to the best of your knowledge.
What is most important when adding a candidate onto the tracker?
What is HR.
Your candidate mentions they worked here previously either verbally or on their resume. Who needs to confirm their rehire ability?
Close of business on the 3rd day of employment (Wednesday).
What is the FINAL day a new hire can provide IDs for I-9 completion?
What is They are a rehire, part of the interview process or a direct report.
Name a situation in which someone is not granted referral credit although the referral was submit correctly.
What is Referral Button, Share Your Link
How can a referred candidate be added to Greenhouse?
What is where the equipment needs to be shipped to.
You notice the address on the offer tracker does not match the address the new hire put into UltiPro. There are notes in GH explaining the difference. The address on the offer tracker should be what?
What is It must be mailed back.
A new hire notifies you of needing to reschedule to a date outside of a 30 day window and their equipment has shipped. What must you tell them regarding the equipment?
What is Forward to your coordinator.
You receive IDs from a new hire and notice the coordinator is not CC'd. What do you do?
What is Pending/Approved BG, Received/Processed I9 Form, Confirmed UP.
If a new hire reaches out to see if they have finished everything, what would you look for on the Offer Tracker?
What are Tags
These are examples of what in Greenhouse: State, Rehire, NCG, College Attended.
What is IT, Shipping/Facilities, Training Teams
The offer tracker houses important information for multiple business units. What are some groups that utilize the information shown?
What is Reschedule.
"I have an emergency and can't start next week. Can I _____ to the next class?"
Passport, Passport Card, EAD Card, Permanent Resident card.
What common items might you see from List A?
What is the Offer Status.
You've handed your new hire off to your coordinator. From this point on, what is the only section of their offer tracker row you should ever change?
What is "Activity Feed"
This section in a candidate's profile in Greenhouse should show almost all communication and notes for them.
What is Move them to the bottom of tracker.
Your candidate declined their offer but you've already put them on the offer tracker. You haven't introed your coordinator. You can do what to that candidate's row?
What is A reschedule changed their start before being paid for time, a Restart is an active employee who needs to start training over. (aka paid for time)
What is the key difference between a Restart and a Reschedule?
Unacceptable forms of ID.
What do all of these have in common regarding a photo of someone's IDs? Blurry, expired, mismatched name.
What is an external monitor.
What is the difference in equipment that Ads receives vs. Leads sales new hires?