Overwatch Voice Lines | Chemistry | Geography | Minecraft | Important Dates |
What is Reindhart
"Hammer Down!"
What is the Helium
The 2nd element on the periodic table?
What is Scotland.
North of England lies this country part of the UK.
What is pickaxe
The only wood tool you should make
What is Sept 11, 2001
The attack on the world trade center date
What is D.VA
"I play to Win!"
What is Hydrogen
A volatile and flammable gas that is the most abundant element in the universe?
What is Nevada
What is the state Las Vegas resides in?
What is Gold
piglin's favorite ore
What is July 4, 1776
Date the US came to be
What is Zarya
"Strong as the Mountain"
What is NaCl, Sodium Chloride (Chlorine + Sodium)
This is the two elements that make up common Table Salt
What is Vatican City
This is the smallest country in the world?
What is Mountains
The biome emeralds spawn naturally
What is June 6, 1945
What is the date of D-DAY?
What is Zenyatta
"We are in Harmony"
What is Cyanide
This substance kills and "smells like almonds"
What is Liechtenstein
This is the double-landlocked state in-between Switzerland and Austria.
What is Impaling
This is the enchantment that increases damage against water creatures?
What is Dec 10, 2002
Eric's birthday and year?
What is Moira
"What an interesting hypothesis"
What is Borax
This is a common household detergent compound based on boron.
What is Alsace Lorraine
This is the region lost to Germany in the Franco-Prussian war in the 19th century, then returned after WWII subsided?
What is Illusioner
The unofficial yet still spawnable Illager mob available in Java.
What is 1453
Date of the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans?