Lent | Food | Trivia | Paws |
40 days
How long is lent
Did you win?
Name 5 Easter candies
The Easter bunny
What is the Easter mascot
Can paws swim
Ash Wednesday
What is the first day of lent
False- it is the second
True or False- potatoes are the third most popular dish in Easter
True or False? There is a book AND movie called Easter parade
Good Friday
What is the Friday before Easter called
Reese's Mini Peanut Butter Chocolate Eggs
What is the most popular Easter candy
Gold and white
What are Easter colors
Pontius Pilate
Who condemned Jesus to death
What is The most popular Easter dish
In 2021, about what percent of the world celebrated Easter? (Rounded to nearest ten percent)
Maundy Thursday
What day was the last supper on
5-6 million
About how many peeps are made daily
18-24 million will be accepted( exact-21.6 billion)
About how much money did the US spend on Easter in 2021