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What is a cup
There are 8 fluid ounces in this
What is brown gravy
Poutine is a Quebecois hangover cure made with fries, cheese curds and this sauce
What is cilantro
Some taste soap when eating this.
What is Turkish delight
In the chronicles of Narinia book series what sweet treat did the white which use to capture Edmund
What is Vinegar
Added to Filipino adobo with soy sauce to give it its punch
What is Tapioca starch
These chewy pearls are found in bubble tea
What are New Englanders
Some call them Hoagies, heros or subs but we call them "Grinders"
What is a coffee bean
These beans originate from Ethiopia
What is a bull testicle
Rocky mountain oysters come from
What is Chimichurri
An Argentinian sauce of herbs, garlic and vinegar
What is a mango
This vibrant fruit is the main ingredient in the Iraqi condiment Amba