Numbers | Time | Temperature | Measurement |
What is 49 in Roman numbers?
An order for Furosemide 80 mg IV Q1h was order. Patient last received dose at 10 pm. Right now is 10:43pm, what is the next time interval the patient is suppose to receive in Universal time?
C = (F-32) x (5/9)
What is the equation for converting F to C?
256 drams
How much drams are there in 32 fl. oz?
What is CC?
12:32 pm
What is 1232 in standard time?
F = (9/5) x (4.7) + 32 = 40.46
You are working at Pharmacy and were told to record the fridge's temperature BID. The temperature for the evening read 4.7 C. What is the temperature in F? Round to the nearest tenth place.
84 inches
What is 7 feet in inches?
Doctor wrote prescription for a total quantity of CXX. What is the total in Arabic Numbers?
4:30 pm
What is 1630 in standard time?
Convert 66 C to F. Round to the nearest tenth.
0.473 L
What is 473 mL in L?
What is 35 in Roman Numbers?
What is 12:15 am in military time?
17.77 C
What is 1/2 of 128 F in C?
30.45 kg
Kim is trying to figure out how much Tylenol her child can take. It is dosed per child's weight (Kg). The doctor told her, her child was 67 Ibs. How much is that in kg?