Observation/Evaluation Teacher Discipline Teacher Attendance Teacher Under the Influence Legal Obligations
What is Article XIII, section 1 J. The observation shall be announced at least two days in advance.
How many days in advance do you need to give an employee that you are completing a formal observation?
What is Article XIV, Section 2 An employee shall be provided any derogatory material before it is placed in the employee's personnel file. Employee shall be given an opportunity to respond and response should be attached.
Does the employee have a right to know if derogatory material is placed in their personnel file?
Article XVI, Section 12 and 13
Teacher’s current work hours are 7.45 therefore yes if they leave early they will have doctors’ appointment time, PN, or PB deducted from their sick leave accordingly.
If a teacher has to leave school early, during after school planning time, for a doctor’s appointment will that time be deducted from their sick leave?
What is slurred speech, physcial movements that are unsteady, eyes that are unable to focus, droopy, glassy, etc., the smell of alcohol on his/her breath. (remember we are not experts in determining this but these are "look fors")
What are characteristics to look for in determining if an employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
What is Article XXIV Section 1 When an employee has knowledge of a suspected instance of child abuse, District internal reporting procedures as established under legal requirements will be followed.
If a teacher comes to you and states that a student reported to them they are being abused do you file the report?
What is Article XIII, section 1 J. Employee provide evaluator a statement of the lesson objec(s)., including strats. that will be used during the lesson.
What can you require from the employee for observations?
What is a NEW Personnel regulation, yes you must have a signature when you memorialize a meeting in writing.
Do you have to have the employee sign the letter if the meeting has been memorialized in writting?
What is Article IV, Section 8 No, as per contract RCTA meetings are not to be deducted from time they are allowed as part of your work if you attend for Exec Council, Site Rep or other scheduled RCTA meetings.
If a teacher has to leave school early, during after school planning time, to attend the RCTA meetings will that time be deducted from their sick leave?
What is CALL Personnel ASAP. We will guide you through the next steps. We ask that you get the employee to a private location and continue to have a conversation with them.
What should you do if it is determined that an employee is under the influence?
What is Article XXIV Section 2 An in-service/review will be provided to employees at each school in alternating years by a District Pupil Services staff member or by the stie administrator.* this law has changed to be annual * Explain
As a site administrator do you need to provide in-service training or review of the Mandated Reporting Laws?
What is Article XIII section 1 J. If more than (3) formal, the evaluatee will recieve written notification stating specific concerns.
Can you observe a teacher more than 3 times a year?
What is Progressive Discpline. Initial Conversation, Verbal Warning, Written Warning/Letter of Concern , Letter of Reprimand
What are the steps for teacher progressive discipline?
Article XVI, Section 12 and 13 Teacher’s current work hours are 7.45 therefore yes if they leave early they will have doctors’ appointment time, PN, or PB deducted from their sick leave accordingly.
If a teacher has to leave school early, during after school planning time, to attend an event for their child will that time be deducted from their sick leave?
What is provide the employee with the opportunity to explain if their is a reason for the observed behaviors and gather more facts.
What do you do while waiting for Personnel to arrive during the conversation with the employee?
What is Article XVII, Section 3, A. Any citizen or parent complaint about an employee shall be reported immediately to the employee by the site administrator receiving the complaint, unless the complaint involves an allegation against the law.
If you have a parent complaint regarding an employee do you have to notify the employee?
What is Article XIII, section 1 J.
A follow-up conference between the evaluatee and the evaluator within 5 days.
If you note deficiencies in the lesson observed what is your timeline to notify the employee?
Supervisor must identify the nature of the meeting if the issue may lead to disciplinary action. It is not the supervisors obligation to secure union representation for the employee. The employee is not entitled to specific union representation.
When does an employee have right to Union Representation?
Article XVI, Section 3 I. This is dependent of how often it occurs, length of time and for what reasons. There are times that are allowed if it is 10-15 minutes early once in a while but if it occurs on a regular basis need to account for it.
When will signing out early, during after school planning time, not be deducted from a teacher’s sick leave?
What is ... by now Personnel should be there with you to guide you but you will need to assess the employee's credibility and weigh all the facts before determining the next course of action.
What do you do if the employee denies being under the influence?
What is XVII, Section 6, A. In the event of an earthquake or other natural disaster, when possible, employees with dependents shall be given priority for release.
Do you have to give priority to employees with dependents when releasing after an Earthquake or Disaster?
What is Ariticle XIII section 1, J Objective and Strategies BUT you can offer, state it is voluntary, you can encourage but you can't mandate.
Can you require a pre-conference for a formal observation?
What does FRISK stand for?
The expectation is that it is similar to extended day at the secondary. *explain* (stay an additional hour)
If a teacher decides to teach the instructional hour for the Hearts after school program will they:
How does this work pay wise and planning wise?
What is NO. If it is believed that the employee is impaired, the employee should never be allowed to drive him/herself home. Instead the administrator should direct the employee not to drive home and call a family member, friend, or cab.
If the employee just wants to go home do you allow them to leave?
What is Article XII, Section 5, A. Elementary SDC 13, MS SDC & HS SH 15, Elementary & MS RSP 28 (32 with waiver), HS RSP & Non SH Special Day 25, Disignated Services 60.
What is your grade level Special Education Case load requirements?

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