female | male | Permanent | natural methods | N/A |
What is birth control pill?
This small, pill-shaped contraceptive is taken daily to prevent pregnancy.
What is a condom?
This is the most commonly used barrier method of male contraception?
What is a vasectomy?
This permanent male contraceptive procedure involves cutting or sealing the vas deferens.
What is the fertility awareness method?
This natural method involves tracking menstrual cycles to predict ovulation and avoid pregnancy.
What is an intrauterine device(UID)?
This “T”-shaped device is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy for several years.
What is a vasectomy?
This permanent form of male contraception is a surgical procedure that prevents a man from having children
What is tubal ligation?
This permanent female contraceptive procedure involves closing or blocking the fallopian tubes.
What is abstinence
The practice of refraining from sexual activity is called?
What is plan B?
This emergency contraceptive is commonly called the “morning-after pill.”
What is Vasagel?
This method of male contraception is still in development and involves a reversible gel injected into the vas deferens.
What are sperm?
A vasectomy prevents pregnancy by stopping the release of these reproductive cells.
What is the withdrawal method (or pull-out method)?
This method requires a man to withdraw before ejaculation to prevent sperm from entering the vagina.
What is birth control patch?
This hormonal contraceptive is a patch applied to the skin and changed weekly.
What are sexually transmitted diseases (STI)?
Condoms help prevent pregnancy and also protect against these.
What is invasive surgery?
Unlike vasectomy, tubal ligation is considered this type of surgical procedure because it requires anesthesia and a longer recovery time.
What is basal body temperature?
The fertility awareness method often involves tracking this slight rise in body temperature that occurs after ovulation.
What is tubal ligation?
This permanent method of female contraception involves closing or blocking the fallopian tubes.
What is hormonal birth control for men?
This hormone-based contraceptive method for men, which works by reducing sperm production.
What is a vasectomy reversal?
While permanent, a vasectomy can sometimes be reversed with this surgical procedure.
What is the cervical mucus method?
This natural method involves checking changes in vaginal mucus to determine when ovulation is occurring.