Preamble | First Ten Amendments | 11 - 27 Amendments | Federal Branches | Articles of Constitution |
What is all states should form a united nation.
What does it mean to from a more perfect union?
What is the right to bare arms.
Whats the second amendment about?
What is you can not sue the state you do not live in.
What does eleventh amendment state?
What is the Legislative Branch.
Which branch makes the laws?
What is the point was to state how the constitution will be put into effect or ratified.
What was the point of the seventh article of the constitution?
What is all people should be treated equally and fair.
What does it meant to establish justice?
What is troops are not to be quartered in citizens houses with out there consent.
What does the third amendment state?
What is women can vote.
What does the 19th amendment, established in 1920, state?
What is the Execution Branch.
Which branch can veto laws?
What is the relation among the states.
What does the fourth article control?
What is the government is to ensure peace and order in the states.
What does it mean to ensure domestic tranquility?
What is freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.
What five rights does the first amendment state?
What is when the president dies the vice president takes his/her position.
What does the 25th amendment state?
What is checks on two branches of government, the Legislative and Execution Branch.
The Judicial Branch checks on what other branch of government?
Article 2 Section 4 the president or any other high ranking official shall be removed from office on what crimes?
What is treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
What is to maintain well being of the people.
What does it mean to promote the general welfare?
What is you most be given a fair trial by jury and can't be tried twice for the same trial.
What does the fifth amendment state?
What is voting age is lowered to 18.
What does the 26th amendment state?
What is the division of power of the Federal and State Government.
What does the term federalism mean?
What does article three section three of the constitution cover.
What is the definition and punishment of treason.
What is to protect the rights of all citizens.
What does it mean to secure liberties?
What is there is no unreasonable or unwarranted searches or seizers of property.
What does the fourth amendment state?
What is the congress man votes to raise the pay of his current position in congress, the pay will not go into effect until the next candidate fills the position.
What does the 27th amendment state?
What is the Execution Branch.
Which branch serves as commander of armed forces?
What three main powers does the president posses according to article two section two.
What is the powers to control the military, assign treaties and appointments, and temporary treaties.