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What is the reason the red scare inspired fear?
It emphasized the concept of communist-inspired radicalism, which proved a constant threat to American businessmen and politicians.
What is the ACLU? (what do the letters stand for AND who was the group made up of)
In 1920, a group of pacifists, progressives, and constitutional lawyers formed the American Civil Liberties Union
What is the Espionage act?
1917 act that prohibited antiwar activities, including opposing military draft. It punished speech critical of the war as well as deliberate actions of sabotage and spying.
What is some main sources of anxiety in the 1920s?
Radicals (and more specifically immigrants that people believed to be radicals). Anxieties were worsened by the medical concerns and the increase in influenza cases.
What is the perception of radicals?
The perception of radicals was that they were crazy and destructive. Many people feared them and perceived the majority of immigrants were radicals.
What is the ACLU say about the public’s reaction to the Palmer raids and more specifically the Red Scare?
Initially most American citizens supported the Palmer raids, but their enthusiasm qaned. Many came to see the violations of civil liberties that accompanied the raids as a greater threat to the nation’s traditions that than the existence of a handful of A
What is the Sedition Act?
1918 act appended to the espionage act. It punished individuals for expressing opinions deemed hostile to the US government, flag, or military.
What is J. Edgar Hoover?
J Edgar Hoover was picked by Palmer to head the General Intelligence Division in the Department of Justice.
What is the palmer raids?
Government roundup of about 6,000 suspected alien radicals in 1919-120, ordered by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and his assistant J. Edgar Hoover.
What is that the ACLU stand for?
monitoring government abridgments of the Bill of Rights.
What is the constitutionality of the Espionage act and sedation act?
Both limited freedom of speech by criminalizing certain forms of expression.
What is the way J. Edgar Hoover related to the anxieties and general repression in the 1920s?
He lead the Palmer raids and, in November, 1919, based on Hoover’s research and undercover activities, government agents rounded up and arrested hundreds of foreigners. He’s leading the Palmer raids and active role in “fighting radicals” demonstrates the
What is the result of the palmer raids?
the deportation of 556 immigrants.
What is the court’s view of the Espionage and Sedition Acts? How do you know?
The Supreme court used the Espionage Act to uphold the conviction of Charles Schenck, the leader of the Socialist Party. The court argued that during wartime Congress has the authority to prohibit individuals from using words that create a clear and prese
What is the mail bombs?
On May 1, 1919, radicals sent more than thirty incendiary devices through the mail to prominent Americans, though authorities defused them before the mail bombs reached their intended targets.
What is the reason the Russian Revolution stimulated America's growing fear of communism?
The rebellion of russians and the creation of the Union of Soviet Russia terrified officials because the spread of worldwide communism challenged and posed a threat to capitalism.
What is the decision in Abrams v. United States affirm regarding USSC decisions?
Showed another example of the conservatism and general repression of this period. The Supreme Court ruled that the distribution of the incendiary leaflets in wartime was illegal under the Espionage and Sedition Acts. Shows the governmental support of the