Mi cuarto es un desastre | Los quehaceres | “Er” verbs | Los actividades “verdes” | “Ar” verbs |
She put away the clothes in the closet
What does “ella recogió la ropa en el armario” mean?
Todos ustedes pusieron
How do you say “you all set the table?”
She didnt have time after school
What does “no tenia tiempo despues de la escuela” mean?
I separated the trash
What does “yo separé la basura” mean?
Escuché Escuchamos
Escuchaste Escuchasteis Escuchó Escucharon
Conjugate “escuchar” in the preterite
Deberiamos haber
How do you say”we should’ve?”
She cooked dinner yesterday
What does “ella cocinó la cena ayer ” mean?
Hicimos una senderismo
How do you say “we went on a hike” in Spanish?
She reused the plastic bags
What does “ella retilizó bolsas de plastico” mean?
Mi familia desayunamos juntos
How do you say “my family ate breakfast together” in Spanish?
Tuvieron que irse a casa
How do you say “they had to go home?”
Mama limpió la mesa despues del desayunar
How do you say “mom cleared the table after breakfast?”
He/she went on a hike
What does “corrió la semana pasada” mean?
Mi papá cerró el grifo para conservar el agua
How do you say “my dad closed the tap so he could conserve water” in Spanish?
Fuimos de compras y copramos ropa
How do you say “we went shopping and bought clothes” in spoanish?
mi mamá estaba enojada porque mi habitación está desorganizada
How do you say “my mom was mad because my room is disorganized” in Spanish?
My brother took out the trash last night.
What does “mi hermano sacó la basura anoche” mean?
The kids ate spaghetti for dinner
What does “Los ninos comieron spaghetti pasta la cene” mean?
My sister shut off the lights before we left
What does “mi hermana cerroó las luces antes de irnos” mean?
She talked on the phone for two hours yesterday
What does “ella habló por teléfono por dos horas ayer” mean?
Guardó Guardamos
Guardsate Guardasteis Guardé Guardaron
Conjugate “to put away in the preterite
Ayudó Ayudamos
Ayudaste Ayudasteis Ayudó Ayudaron
Conjugate “to help” in the preterite
They sold bracelets and other jewelry
What does “vendieron pulseras y otras joyas” mean?
My family avoided plastic bags at the store
What does “mi familia evitamos las bolsas de plastico en la tienda” mean?
He looked at the menu before ordering
What does “ miró el menú antes de odenar” mean?