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What is the Crossbill
Which animal feeds only on pine seeds?
What is the Black Spruce
Which tree grows to about 82 feet?
What is pine, spruce, or fir.
Name one species of tree that dominates coniferous forests.
What is one negative impact humans have on coniferous forests?
Northern latitudes. Ex. Canada, Northern Eurasia, Scandinavia
Where are coniferous forests located?
What is the Lynx
Which animal can appear to be a common household pet?
What is the White Fir
Which tree lives up to 300 years?
What is 3 types
Coniferous forests consist of how many types of soil?
Every 12.9
Every __ seconds an acre of forest is cut down in Canada.
What is the taiga or boreal forest
What is one term used to describe the circumpolar area of coniferous forests?
Helps blend into its surroundings
How do the tufts of feathers benefit the Long-Eared Owl?
What is its thin bark
What characteristic gave the Paper Birch its name?
They are acidic
What is unique about a pine trees needles compared to other trees' leaves?
What is one positive way human are impacting coniferous forests?
What is California
What state is the General Sherman tree located in?
What is the Black Bear
Which animal uses its short claws to climb trees?
What is the Fireweed
Which plant is used to reestablish vegetation?
What is the General Sherman tree
What is the name of the largest single stem tree on earth?
What is deforestation
What is the biggest threat to coniferous forests?
What is the fireweed
What plant is mistaken as highly toxic in its early life?
What is the weasel family
Which family of animals does the wolverine belong to?
What are its waxy pine needles and rough bark
Which two characteristics of the Jack pine help it survive long, cold winters?
What is Aurora Borealis
What is the scientific name for the "Northern Lights"?
What is the use of harmful chemicals
How does mining negatively impact coniferous forests?
What is 2,300-2,700 years
How old is the General Sherman tree?