Communication | Presentation 2 | Presentation 3 | Presentation 4 | Presentation 5 |
What is SBAR?
Communication Tool: Situation, Background, Assessment & Recommendation.
What is Pause, Reflect, Share, Determine Options, & Select?
The four stages in an ethical Dilemma that requires practitioners to use in response
What are Dominating, Obliging, Avoiding, Integrating, Compromising?
5 different styles of handling conflict
What are the two types of reflexivity Pagis discusses?
Discursive and Embodied
What is Simple Mediation?
The first communication tool, according to Dana
What is GRRRR?
Listening Tool: Greeting, Respectful Listening, Review, Recommend more info., Reward
What is Distancing and Coercion?
Two wrong instinct-driven reflexes used when confronted with conflict
What is Avoiding?
Style of handling conflict shows low concern for self and other
What is Vipassana?
Type of meditation discussed by Pagis
What are the people personally involved?
According to Dana, the vast majority of day-to-day conflicts are handled by...
What is generally more reliable than the verbal communication and indicates the emotional component of the message?
Nonverbal Communication
What are Conciliatory Gestures?
According to Dana, this is the "magic" ingredient in the Self Mediation formula for peace
What is need?
Relationships is a vehicle for meeting a partners _____
What is reversing our mental map?
A synonym to "flipping our perspective"
What is an event?
According to Dana's communication tool #3, mediation does not require...
What is the modes of communication?
Written, Face to Face, Telephone, Nonverbal
What are Exploitative, Manipulative, Competitive, Nutrient, & Collaborative Power?
Five kinds of power Schrock-Shenk speaks of in "The Structural Dimension."
What is false?
True asperations of forgiveness say:
Moral demands can be made in forgivenes. True or false? |
What are the Four Forces (Dana)?
Fatigue, Desire for Peace, Catharsis, Inhibitory Reflex
What are awareness, analysis, action, accountable, allyship?
The five elements of liberatory consciousness Love talks about
What are Substantive Issues?
These issues deal with self-interest needs, which in our conflict mode instrument reading, relates to assertiveness.
-Negotiation & Arbitration
-Commitment to nonviolence -Controlling the dynamics of escalation
Three of the eight "Step-Wise" process used by Ghandi during the Indian independence movement.
What is true?
Real empathy:
The focus must be on the situation and not the person. True or False? |
What is "Culture?"
Multi-layered, constantly in flux, elastic, largely beneath the surface.
What are Hallmark 1: The opening statements says it all. Hallmark 2: Its ultimately the parties choice?
First two of ten hallmarks of transformative practice Bush and Folger discuss...