Holy Days Of Obligation | Precepts of the Church | Beatitudes | The Ten Commandments | Saints |
What is Christmas Day
Christ's Birthday
What is Holy Communion
You Must Receive this sacrament once a year during the Easter Season
What is the Meek
Blessed are the _________ for they shall inherit the Earth
What is strange Gods?
I am the Lord your God thou shall not have _________
______ before me. |
Who is Isadore?
He is the patron saint of farmers
What is New Year's Day
Feast Day of Holy Mary, Mother of God
What is Confession
You must participate in this sacrament at least once a year before a priest
What is mourn
Blessed are they who _________ for they shall be comforted.
What is the Sabbath?
Remember to keep holy the ______________
Who is Cecelia?
She is the patron saint of musicians
What is The Feast of the Assumption
August 15th
What is Sunday
You must attend Mass on this day every week
What is poor
Blessed are the _________ in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
What is mother and father?
Honor thy _______ and _________.
Who is Patrick?
He is the patron saint of Ireland
What is All Saints Day
November 1st
What is tithing
Contributing to the monetary support of the Church at 10% of your income.
What is merciful?
Blessed are the ________ , for they shall obtain mercy
What is adultery?
Thou shall not commit ____________.
Who was Peter?
This saint was an apostle and originally named Simon
What is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception?
This Feast Day is celebrated on December 8th
What are Holy Days of Obligation
Days other than Sunday that you must attend Mass
What are the peacemakers?
Blessed are the _______________, for they shall be called children of God
What is false witness?
Thou shall not bear _______________ ____________.
Who was Paul?
This saint wrote most of the letters called epistles and originally called Saul of Tarsus