Holy Spirit | Mass and Church | Sacraments | Holidays | Commandments and Vocab |
What is Holy Spirit
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the...
What is celebrant
If there are multiple priests present during mass, the one that runs the mass is called this
What is the bishop
Only this person may minister the Sacrament of Confirmation
What is Christmas
This holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ
What is Limbo
Where aborted babies go after they die
What are Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord... these are known as the 7 what
What is transubstantiation
When the priest turns bread and wine into body and blood of Christ, we call it this long word
What is Baptism
This Sacrament cleanses us of Original Sin
What is Good Friday
This Holy Day of Obligation is the day Jesus died
What is the First Commandment
Having other Gods and believing in superstition violates this commandment
Sacred Chrism
The oil that the Bishop will anoint you with on the day of your Confirmation is called this
What is cathedral
The bishop's official church in the diocese
What is Baptism
In the case of an emergency, this Sacrament may be administered by anyone
What is November 1st
The day and month we celebrate All Soul's Day
What is detraction
Revealing TRUE, but damaging statements about an individual is called this
What is Holy Ghost
In the past, the Holy Spirit has been called the Holy what
What is once a year during Easter
You must receive Eucharist at LEAST this often
What are Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders
These Sacraments may NOT be repeated
What is the Immaculate Conception
This special Holy Day of Obligation occurs when Mary was conceived
What is, a grave matter, you know it is morally wrong, and you do it intentionally
These are the 3 requirements for a sing to be considered a MORTAL sin
What is Pentecost
This holiday occurs 50 days after Easter when Jesus returns to Heaven and sends down the Holy Spirit to us
What is Ash Wednesday
This single Holy Day of Obligation requires us to do both fast AND abstain from meat, and kicks off the Lenten season
What are Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, Eucharist, and Penance/Reconciliation
These Sacraments may be repeated
What is Assumption of Mary
This special Holy Day of Obligation occurs when Mary's body and soul went straight to Heaven
What is Commandment #7, you shall not steal
Plagiarism and Embezzlement fall under this Commandment (name and number please)