Levels of Security | Reps | Party Time | mish mash | Caller verificaiton |
What is Enhanced
This level of security is required when a Taxpayer has forgotten their PIN or did not use it.
What is a legal rep.
This type of rep can do anything a taxpayer can do.
Who is Tatenda.
This classmate walked into a bank and walked out with a job.
What is a bulletin.
This type of account indicator would tell you that a PIN is mandatory for caller verification.
What is ELCS notepad.
This is the area of TSAD where you document the outcome of caller verification.
What is regular
This level of security is required when a taxpayer wants to delete their direct deposit information.
What is Verbal Authorization.
This type of authorization allows an unauthorized person to talk to the CRA about the taxpayer's account.
This classmate worked on cruise ships.
What is AUT-01
This is the name of the form to authorize a representative for telephone and mail access only.
What is DD.3.
This rapid option displays information slip data.
What is Enhanced
This level of security is required when an authorized rep wants to have mail sent to an alternate address.
What is an E filer number
This five character number would indicate a rep is not authorized on an account.
Who is Sagirthia.
This classmate has two rabbits.
Call back and try again, Obtain the information through My Account or send a letter to their tax center.
These are the three options available to callers who are unsuccessful in completing caller verification.
What are control questions.
This type of question can be asked in addition to regular or enhanced questions when you doubt a caller's identity.
What is regular
This level of security is required when a taxpayer wants you to fix a typo in their address.
What is M.1.1
This Rapid option lists representatives names.
Who is Adam.
This classmate used to work in pharmacy.
What are Joint legal representatives.
This type of legal rep cannot make account updates alone.
What is a NETFILE access code.
This type of code must be used by the taxpayer for 2020 or subsequent tax years to allow you to use financial fields for caller verification purposes.
What is regular
This is the level of security required when a Taxpayer wants to change their email correspondence preference.
What is a password
This special rule prevents even authorized representatives from accessing an account over the phone.
Who is Jay.
This classmate went white water rafting without knowing how to swim!
What is immediately.
This is the time limit for a rep to be authorized through my account by the taxpayer.
What are designation numbers.
This type of number can come before or after a transit or bank account number and taxpayers are not expected to know or provide them.