Codependency Boundaries Communication Compulsive Behaviors & Isolation Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
What is Denial, Rigidity, Impaired identify development, Shame/guilt, Fear, Prolonged Despair, Confusion, Rage.
Name 3 of the 8 areas measured in the codependency assessment.
What is False
Boundaries are only made with others, not yourself.
True or False
What is Passive, Passive-aggressive, Aggressive, and Assertive.
Name the 4 methods of basic communication
What is eating, cleaning, tobacco use, gambling, spending, use of computer& internet, forming relationships/ sex, overworking, exercising
What are 3 of the 9 most common compulsive behaviors
What is 5
How many stages are in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
What is Denial Patterns, Low self esteem patterns, Compliance patterns, Control patterns, Avoidance patterns
Identify the 5 Codependency patterns
What is Weak, Broken/Mixed, and Rigid
What are the 3 ways boundaries can be classified
What is Assertive communication respects the rights of you and the individual you're communicating with while being clear and concise. Aggressive communication respects your rights but disregards the rights of the individual you are engaging with.
What is the main difference between assertive and aggressive communication?
What is eating disorders, body dysmorphia, negative self image, or decreased self esteem.
What potential dangers could the compulsive behavior of exercising lead to?
What is Physiological needs, Safety needs, Belonging and love needs, Esteem needs, Self actualization
What are the stages in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
What is Codependency involves both parties having an unhealthy reliance or dependence on each other and dependence may only involve 1 party.
What is the difference between Codependence and dependence
What is Mental, Emotional, Material, Physical (including sexual)
Identify 3 types of boundaries
Treating you as an adversary and arguing against anything, challenging thoughts, opinions, and perceptions without listening or volunteering thoughts or opinions so a constructive conversation or interaction is impossible.
Provide a brief definition of opposing as an abusive methods of communication
What is isolating in order not to use or increasing isolation when met with the opportunity to use.
Give an example of an individual utilizing isolation in recovery as a mean to avoid relapse
What is food, water, warmth, rest
What is Physiological needs referring to?
What is Low self esteem and fear of abandonment.
Dependency comes from ____
What is "I" statements and "If, then" phrasing
The communication of boundaries include ___ statements and ___,___ phrasing.
What is Staff discretion.
Act out an example of an individual assertively responding to passive aggressive communication.
What is They may replace one addiction with another through behavior.

Bonus: What criteria might an individual present with?
How might engaging in compulsive behaviors lead to the presenting of other diagnosis in recovery?
What is basic needs, psychological needs, and Self- fulfillment needs.

Bonus: How does this program work to secure those?
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is split into 3 categories of needs what are they?
What is Early Abandonment, Shame & Insecurity, Fear of abandonment, Abandoning relationships, Shame & Fear of abandonment.
What stages are involved in the cycle of abandonment?
What is Staff discretion.
Provide an example of a mixed/broken boundary someone may set with a significant other while engaging in recovery housing.
What is Blaming, name-calling, raging, covert aggressive manipulation, ordering, judging and criticizing, play. jokes. sarcasm. teasing, opposing, blocking, discounting and belittling, undermining and interrupting, lying and denying.
Name 6 of 12 the abusive methods of communication.
What is Staff discretion.
Provide a personal example of the use of a compulsive behavior when attempting to stop use of substances.
What is Others should always approve or respect me.
Link esteem needs to a self defeating belief and behavior

Concrete Concepts 2

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