Disney At the Movies | Band Repertoire from this year | Articulations | Key Signatures | Mrs. Watras' Favorites |
What is Zip-a-dee-doo-dah
The first song in the Disney at the Movies medley
What is (check with Mrs. Watras)
The title AND composer of 2 of our pieces from this year
What is Accent
a strong forceful start to a note
What is D
two sharps, major
What is yellow
What is Colors of the Wind
The last song in the Disney at the Movies medley
What is Encanto, Amber Moon, North Star Overture, Joyous Spirit, Extraordinary Machines
Two pieces that had a jump to the coda at the end
What is Staccato
light, separated, bouncy
What is d
one flat minor
What is penguin
zoo animal
What is Pocohontas, The Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, The Jungle Book, Mary Poppins, Peter Pan, Cinderella, Song of the South
Two of the MOVIE titles with songs in the Disney at the Movies medley
What is Germany
The country where Ammerland is
What is Slur
an arc over several notes
What is D flat
5 flats major
What is Cool Ranch Doritos
unhealthy snack
What is The Lion King or Aladdin or Beauty and the Beast
One of the movie titles that had more than one song in the Disney at the Movies medley
What is a Concert March
The genre of music for Joyous Spirit
What is Tenuto
a long line indicating full value
What is A
3 sharps, majo
What is Oreos
What is 14.
The total number of different SONGS in the Disney at the Movies medley
What is Sunrise and Ritual
The subtitles for the two main sections of Lake Dances
What is Marcato
when an accent and a staccato have a baby
What is f
4 flats, minor
What is Otis and Olive
her dogs names