She's not my Data Types | Terms and Conditionals | Loop the loop | Conjuction junction what's your...(mal)Function | Like school on Saturday... no Class |
What is Integer
Stores a number that is not a decimal
What is 'if"
This word starts a conditional statement
What is FOR
What word would be used to do a loop a known number of times?
What are parenthesis
Function arguments are passed inside these?
What is class
What is the first word of a class definition
What is String
"This sentence is an example of the data type."
What is '
This symbol separates a logical 'OR' comparison
What is While
This word indicates a loop until a condition is met?
What is with a colon
How would the function indicate the argument data type?
What is a class instance
What word is used when a class definition is used to set a variable (immediately....)
What is the dollar sign
This symbol precedes a variable to show it's contents in a display output
What is the '{' or curly brace
What symbol indicates the start and stop of code to be run when a conditional is met?
What is in
This word instead of BLANK is used to iterate through a collection
for (item [BLANK] items) |
What is return
If the function sends an answer back what is the keyword to use before the statement?
What is inheritance
Though not a birthright, this is an example of what class concept?
class FilledRectangle: Rectangle() |
What is insert a new line
\n - will cause the output to do what?
What is the '!' or exclamation mark
What punctuation mark is the NOT operator as in the variable is NOT true?
What is Nest/Nested
Also a place to live, this word indicates a loop inside a loop
What is the period (dot)
In android studio, what punctuation gives the list of functions for the class used to build a variable
What is Override / overriding
To define a function in the Child class with same definition as that of in Super class is an example of this?