Computer History | Understanding Computers | Computer Madness |
They tied knots in rope and they carved marks on clay.
Name 2 ways people used numbers in ancient times?
The equipment that can be seen and touched.
What is hardware?
How many conditions can a light switch be in?
The first PC.
What did Charles Babbage invent?
Who writes programs?
Hard drives and CD/DVD
What are 2 examples of external storage?
John von Neumann
Who came up with the idea for Binary code?
Read only Memory
What does ROM stand for?
A hard drive
What holds more memory a CD or a Hard drive?
It began as the Tabulating Machine Company.
How did the IBM company begin?
The brains of the computer.
What is the CPU referred as?
Instructions that tell the computer exactly what actions it should perform.
What is a program?
It was a product they needed more desperately than the car.
Why did the computer change more rapidly than the car?
A package of instructions that tell the computer what to do.
What is Software?
0 and 1
The on and off switch represent what numbers to the computer?