general | Compounds in your lives | Yes or No | Hard (last ones) | bonus last question for losing team. |
What is two or more?
A compound is made of _______ elements?
What is chlorine
A poisonous green gas in salt is _____?
What is yes
Is pure water a compound?
What is
Is tap water a compound?
What is 189,819?
What is the number of letters in the name of titin?
you must get it right in three guesses. |
What is chemically?
Compounds are chemically or physically bound?
What is every where?
Where can you find compounds?
What is yes
Are you a compound?
What is they could change back ?
Why are they not physically bound?
What is chemically?
A compound is broken down _____?
What is no?
Is pure oxygen a compound?
What is yes
Do we need compounds?
What is air?
What is the most abundant compound?
What is about 10 million
Guess how many compounds there are ?
What is yes?
Do we deal with compounds every second of or lives?
What is no?
Can compounds go back to elements?
What is no?
Are all compound visible?
What is when mixed or exposed?
When do compounds join?
What is yes?
You have pure water and you mix it with olive oil since the do not mix do you still have a compound?
What is yes?
Would it be bad if compounds could become elements again ?
What is no?
Are compounds just used in science?