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What is origins?
What is ethnic?
Belonging to a group with the same la language, culture, religion
What is yes?
Yes or no: the way people live today is different from long ago.
What is diverse?
Something that is different
What is tradition?
Passing down of information or beliefs and customs from one generation to another
What is new inventions?
Led to changes in buildings, transportation, jobs and populations over time
What is a community?
A place where people live, work, and play
What is invention?
Something created after thinking and experimenting
What is people who contribute to their communities?
People living in the US with diverse ethnic origins, customs, and traditions
What is a population?
The number of people living in a community
What is transportation?
A way to move people and goods from place to place
What is everyone is an American?
A way people with diverse customs are united
What is aa custom?
A way of doing something that is accepted by a group of people
What is diverse?
What is being a good citizen?
People contribute to their communities by being this