Communication Concepts and Theories More Concepts and Theories
"Brainstorming" by Alex Osborn, 1939
What is a creative problem solving technique that promotes plentiful, even zany, ideas in an atmosphere free from criticism and with enthusiastic participation from all group members?
Group Polarization
"Group Polarization" by Bishop, 1970
What is the group tendency to make decision after discussion that is more extreme, either riskier or more cautious, than the initial preferences of group members?
Group Think
"Group Think" by Irving Janis, 1982
a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members striving for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action?
"Hedges" by J. Dan Rothwell, 2013
What is a verbal disclaimer that often makes the speaker sound hesitant?
Hyper Competitiveness
"Hyper Competitiveness" by Superhero Humans, 1998
What is the excessive emphasis on defeating others to achieve one's goals?
Standard Agenda
"Standard Agenda" by Wood et al., 1986
What is a direct outgrowth of Dewey's reflective thinking process? This is demonstrated in 6 main steps.
"Democratic" by Gastil, 1994
What style of leadership encourages participation and responsibility from group members?
Information Overload
"Information Overload" by Farace et al., 1977
What occurs when the rate of information flow into a system's processing capacity?

Communication Theories

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