Rabbits | Dogs | Rabbits and Dogs |
What is trauma?
Blow to face, neck or head can result in this injury.
What is mosquito?
Insect that infects dogs with heart worms.
What are heart worms?
This disease can be prevented.
What is cervical muscle contraction?
"Muscle spasm"
What are severe stages of heart worms?
Chronic cough, fatigue, trouble breathing, coughing up blood
What are symptoms of Wryneck?
Tilted head, walking in circles, weepy eye, weight loss
What is Pasteurella (snuffles)?
This spreads from the nose to the inner ear through the Eustachian tube.
What is preventative medication for heart worms?
Heart guard.
What is a disease a dog can contract through a mosquito?
Heart worms.
What is cerebral larva migrans?
Rabbits acquire eggs by eating grass, food or bedding contaminated by feces.
What are ways heart worms can be detected?
X-rays and blood work
What is a cause of Wryneck?
Rapid side-to-side movement of the eyeballs.
What is Encephalitzoon cuniculi (E. Cuniculi)?
Microscopic parasite that usually affects nervous tissue, lens of eyes and kidneys.
What is heart worms?
Travels to the heart, lungs and surrounding blood vessels.
What is Wryneck?
This disease cannot be prevented.