Ongoing sentences | Separating sentences | Quotes with commas | Song lyrics with commas |
Where are the commas in this sentence?
"When I went fishing I caught a bird a pig a giraffe and a panda."
"When I went fishing I caught a bird, a pig, a giraffe and a panda."
Where are the commas in this sentence?
"The chance at life is a two way road made for heroes and villains but not for a dragon sized rabbit with green blue purple pink and red hair."
"The chance at life is a two way road made for heroes and villains, but not for a dragon sized rabbit with green, blue, purple, pink and red hair."
Where are the commas in this sentence?
"To be a pig farmer I must have a dog a cat three pounds of chocolate and a camera. Or a pig a bird and a samurai."
"To be a pig farmer I must have a dog, a cat, three pounds of chocolate and a camera. Or a pig, a bird and a samurai."