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What is Jim Crow?
the name of the racial caste system which operated primarily, but not exclusively in southern and border states, between 1877 and the mid-1960s. Jim Crow was more than a series of rigid anti-black laws. It was a way of life.
Who is Francois Bernier?
rench physician who was the first to use the word “race” as a category for scientifically classifying humans in a 1684 essay titled “A New Division of the Earth, According to the Different Species or Races of Men Who Inhabit It.”
What is the Declaration of Independence?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights" was in what document?
What is Guineas?
In the 1800s, Italian newcomers were called this, an epithet reserved for African Americans.
Who is Carl Linnaeus?
A Swedish botanist and physician who established the origin of the color scheme of races. Linnaeus divided Homo sapiens into four “natural” varieties: H. sapiens americanus, H. sapiens europeans, H. sapiens asiaticus, and H. sapiens afer, which were linked to the four known regions of the world: America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. He color coded the species red, white, yellow, and black, respectively, and assigned each a set of physical, personality, cultural, and social traits. He considered H. sapiens europeaus the ideal.
What is organizational structure?
Aristotle’s famous division between Greek and Barbarian was not based on race, but on this.
Who is Ulysses Grant?
The 18th American President who served in office from March 4, 1869 to March 4, 1877. One of the important events during his presidency was the emergence of the southern Jim Crow Laws.
What is Latin American?
UCLA’s data reveals that in the 2011–2012 school year, Latinos were likely to attend a relatively segregated public school that was 57 percent Latino, 29 percent white, 11 percent black, and 5 percent Asian. By comparison, Asian children are more likely to attend schools that are 39 percent white, 25 percent Asian, 22 percent Latino, 11 percent black—significantly more integrated.
Which ethnic group was more likely to attend a segregated public school?
Who is William Dunbar?
Some scholars believe the earliest use of the word “race” in the English language was in the 1508 poem by a Scottish member of King James IV’s court who wrote the poem “The Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins.” One of the verses described those who were “bakbyttaris of sindry races” or “backbiters of sundry races.” He most likely borrowed the term from the Spanish raza, which applied to breeds of horses and dogs.
What is the Grandfather Clause?
A statute enacted by many American southern states in the wake of Reconstruction (1865-1877) that allowed potential white voters to circumvent literacy tests, poll taxes, and other tactics designed to disenfranchise southern blacks.
Johan Friedrich Blumenbach
A medical professor in Germany, argued that human beings fall into five races: Caucasian, Mongolian, Ethiopian, American, and Malay. He argued that Caucasians, who derived from the Caucasus Mountain region, embodied the ideal human from which the others “degenerated.” It was a popular belief that Caucasians were the ideal form based on a skull that had been found in the Caucasus Mountains, near the supposed location of Noah’s ark.
What is faith?
In the medieval era, Jews, Muslims, and Christians divided human beings not based on race but based on this.
Who is James D. Watson?
in a British television documentary in 2003, Watson advised eliminating low intelligence through gene therapy.
Co-discoverer of the DNA helix and winner of the 1962 Nobel Prize in medicine, told the Sunday Times of London that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours — whereas all the testing says not really."
What is the Human Genome Project?
This organization which mapped out the complete human genetic code, proved that race could not be identified in our genes. While scientists may use the idea of race to make practical distinctions among fluid sets of genetic traits, all people belong to the same hominid species, Homo sapiens sapiens (Latin for “wise man” or “knowing man”). In other words, biologically, there is one human race.
What are pinewood and comb?
What two things hung in churches in the US in the 20th century to measure race before entering churches?

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