Hue ,Value , Intensity | Color schemes | Color wheel | Understanding the nature and uses of color | Color equations |
The most expressive element of art?
A monochromatic
What's a color scheme that uses only one hue and tints and shades of that hue?
Red , yellow and blue
What are the primary triad colors?
They are sad or gloomy .
If artists use dark,cool colors like blue and violet it's usually because...?
Red and blue make ?
What's the name of the light value of a hue?
Red , yellow, orange
Name the Warm colors ?
Orange , green , and violet
What are the secondary triad colors?
Colors chosen by personal preference
What's an arbitrarily?
Blue and yellow make?
The color wheel
What is the spectrum bent in a circle ?
Blue , green and violet
Name the Cool colors?
Violet, red, red-orange , orange .
Examples of analogous colors ?
What is the placement of warm and cool colors that can create an illusion of depth ?
Red and yellow make?
The element that describes the darkness or lightness of a color ?
What's a pigment that dissolve in liquid ?
Their differences are more obvious
What happens when two colors come into direct contact?
When there's one color in particular that is dominant it's called ?
Red and white make ?
Complementary colors
What is the name of colors opposite to each other on the color wheel?
What's a liquid that controls the thickness or the thinness of the paint ?
Three colors spaced or equal distance apart on the color wheel
What's a color triad ?
Create special effects on art, express ideas and emotion .
Artist use color to?
All colors mixed together make ?