Color definition | Mixing colors | Value | Hue | Intensity |
What is color?
An element of art that is derived from reflected lights.
What is orange
Red and yellow makes
What is color value
The amount of light a color reflects determine its
What is mixing two primary colors
How do you make secondary hue
What is duller
If a surface reflects other light waves, the color will appear
What is shade
dark value of hue
What is green
Blue and yellow makes
What is yellow and because it reflects the most light
What is the lightest hue and why?
What is 12
How many colors in the color wheel
What is high intensity color
Pure or bright hue
What is tint
Light value of hue
What is purple
Blue and red makes
What is black, gray, and white
The neutral colors are?
What is the CMYK color system
Another color system is used by printers
What is lower intensity
Mixing hue with its complement dull the hue or ?
What is color spectrum
When light passes through a wedge-shaped glass, called a prism, the beam of white light is bent and separated into bands of color ex: churches windows
What is yellow-orange
Yellow and orange makes
What is adding black or white
Can change the value of hue by?
What is cyan, magenta, yellow, and black
CMYK Is short for the four primary color of the system, what color are they
What is low intensity
Dull hues are called
What is monochrome
Means one color
What is blue-violet
Blue and violet makes
What is tints
When artist want to show a bright, sunny day, the use what
What is primary colors
Red, yellow, and blue are
What is hue, value, and intensity
Theyrely on one another to create all of the color that you see around you