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Meghan Monroe
Who is our TEA?
Territory Sales Manager
Who is a TSM
Columbia State Patrol
What is the name of Colonial's first business account that they acquired?
Alan Reiter
What home office employee drives a Cadillac?
In what year did we start using a Section 125?
Columbia, South Carolina
Where is our Home Office?
Regional Development Manger
Who is our RDM?
Who is Colonial Life's parent Company?
In what year did the Seattle Mariners win the world series?
Aflac & Combines
Who are the 2 biggest competitors for Colonial?
Where is Leader Conference next year?
Public Sector Manager
Who is our PSM?
In what year was Colonial Life Founded?
What do the dots mean over the Colonial Life Logo?
Whole Life
What is the policy that is our highest commission?
Alyssa, Brooks, Crystal, Christina
Name one onboarding coach
Regional Instructor
Who is RI?
New York State
What state is Colonial Life called Paul Revere?
A place where you can find a job or also have a casual encounter....
Business Quality Index
What is BQI?
When did Colonial start Payroll deduction?
Tim Arnold
Who is our CEO?
Benefits of Good Hard Work
What is our mission statement?
Pamela Whitfield
What Manager has worked for Colonial life the longest?
Fried Chicken/Wings
What is Al's favorite place to eat in the field?