Types of Government | Important Places | Important Leaders | Branches of Government | Important Documents |
What is Monarchy?
The form of government ruled by a King or Queen.
What was the first English colony in North America ?
Jamestown or Virginia
Who was George Washington ?
Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army and first President of the United States.
What is the Executive Branch ?
This is the branch of government responsible for command of the armed forces and national leadership.
What is Magna Carta.
This document limited the rights of the King of England and established the idea that subjects have rights.
What is Plutocracy?
Government by and for the Rich.
What was the second English colony in North America ?
Plymouth or Massachusetts
Who was Thomas Jefferson ?
He wrote the Declaration of Independence and become the third President of the United States.
What is the Legislative Branch ?
This is the branch of government that is responsible for passing or repealing laws.
What is the Declaration of Independence ?
This document established the political separation of England and America.
Where was direct democracy first practiced in ancient Greece ?
What is the House of Burgess-es?
The first legislative assembly in the Colonies.
Who was John Adams ?
He nominated George Washington as Commander-in-Chief and later became the second President of the United States.
What is the Judiciary Branch or Supreme Court ?
This is the branch of government that is the final judge of all legal disputes in the United States.
What is the Constitution ?
This document established the legal basis for the creation and administration of the United States government.
What ancient nation first practiced representative democracy ?
Were was the first capital city of the United States ?
Who was Benjamin Franklin ?
He was the most famous American in 1776 and served as the Ambassador of Congress to France during the Revolutionary war.
What is Congress ?
This is the branch of government that is responsible for declaring war.
What is the Bill of Rights ?
This document of ten articles established many individual rights for American citizens.
What is a Theocracy ?
The form of government ruled by priests or religion.
What state was George Washington from ?
Who was Alexander Hamilton ?
He was Washington's Chief-of-Staff during the war and later, as Secretary of the Treasury, established a national bank and the Federalist Party.
Who is the President ?
Which national publicly elected official is elected every four years ?
Who was James Madison ?
Sometimes known as the 'Father of the Constitution," he became the fourth President of the United States.