People | VOCAB | Mixed Bag |
Founded the providence of Philadelphia
Who Is William Penn
A saving.
What was the triangular trade.
The trade route between Africa,England, and the colonies. Which formed a triangle. Is called...
James Oglethorpe
Who founded Georgia?
To employ someone.
Because it was less crowded and a lot cheaper.
Why did some colonists settle in the backcountry?
John Locke
An English thinker who believed everyone was born with natural rights
A contract.
Because at first a man (James Ogelthorpe) tried to start a silk worm farm and did not succeed. It was still considered a colony.
Describe why Georgia settled.
Puritans or Quakers
These people left the Church of England for religious freedom
A law.
Legislative .
Brotherly love❤️
What does Philadelphia mean in Greek?
An owner of a business or land is called this.
A base or core or a primary rule.