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What is False.
Some majors require free electives to meet the 120 unit requirement.
True or False: Students only need to complete GE's and major requirements to earn a degree.
What is a residency Hall.
Where students live on campus.
What is the University E-Catalog.
Where you can find course descriptions and major programs online.
What is False: Science major have specific Science and Math requirements.
True or False: Chemistry majors take the same science courses as Sociology majors?
What is office hours and by appointment.
Faculty are available during.
What is csula, cumulative, major, and GE GPA.
The GPA's that affect earning a bachelors degree.
What is sororities, fraternities, student clubs and organizations, etc.
Name one type of student group that you can join on campus.
What is Free Electives
"Extra" classes used to meet the 120 unit requirement.
What is False: Courses can be taken at other universities or accredited community colleges (discuss with advisor)
True or False: All classes must be completed at Cal State LA.
Note taking Services, Alternative Testing, E-text Alternative resources?
What types of services does the office for Student Disabilities provide?
What is False.
A 120 units is the minimum required to earn a bachelors degree.
True or False: 115 units is required to earn a bachelors degree.
What is FALSE. There are specific dates published in the schedule of classes.
TRUE OR FALSE: A student can drop classes at any time.
Freshman and sophomores.
1000 - 2000 level courses are for what class level?
What is False: Freshman should only register for 1000-2000 level courses.
True or False: Freshman can take Upper Division courses their first year?
Appointments for Counseling and psychological services, Health promotion and education, Victim assistance?
What type of services does the Student Health Center.
What is 2 courses, one course must be Upper Division.
The number of Civic Learning/Community Engagement courses required.
What is FALSE.
Check out the Career Center for student assistant openings.
TRUE OR FALSE: Students are not allowed to work on campus?
Junior and seniors.
3000 - 4000 level courses are for what class level?
What is False: The instructor can assign a WU which is the equivalent of an F.
True or False: If a student stops attending class the instructor will automatically drop them.
15 min and 30 minute advisement sessions. SAP appeal assistance, long term academic planning, Academic Probation and GE Workshops
What types of services does the NSS Academic Advisement Center.
What is two. Both must be from different disciplines.
The number of courses required to complete block D.
What is advisors, peers, counselors, family, friends...
Examples of an extended support system can include.
What is a minor or free elective courses.
Low unit majors need _________to meet the 120 unit requirement.
What is False: It is not recommended.
True or False: Working full time and going to school full time is easy!
The Centers are open to individuals from all ethnic and gender backgrounds.
Computers, Support groups and workshops.Study space, Information on community organizations, job opportunities, and scholarships. Bonus! Microwaves and refrigerators
What types of services does the Cross Cultural Center.