Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 |
What is amiable
Friendly or pleasant
What is anarchy
The complete absence of government; political disorder and violence
What is schism
A separation or division into factions
What is elite
The best or most skilled members of a given social group
What is trauma
An emotional experience that has a lasting effect
What is gesticulation
The act of making gestures
What is boycott
To join with others to refuse to use, buy or deal with
What is martial
Inclined or disposed to war; brave; warlike
What is camaraderie
Comradeship; good fellowship
What is extrovert
A person who is active and expressive; a person who is outgoing
What is annihilate
To destroy completely
What is recession
The act of withdrawing or going back; a moderate and temporary decline in economic activity
What is imperialism
The policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over countries
What is liaison
The contact maintained between military or naval units in order to undertake action; an illicit relationship between two people
What is demography
The science of vital statistics, as of births, deaths, and population
What is avarice
What is bureaucracy
A system that rigidly adheres to rules, paper forms, and routines
What is lameduck
Elected official who remains in office for a brief period after a successor has been elected
What is detente
A relaxing or easing, especially of international tension
What is archetype
Model; original pattern; prototype
What is chagrin
A feeling of annoyance or disappointment
What is quixotic
Romantically idealistic; impractical
What is gerrymander
To divide an area into voting districts to give unfair advantage to one party in an election
What is cortege
A group of attendants accompanying a person; a ceremonial procession
What is catharsis
The relieving of emotions through art; the alleviation of fears by bringing them to consciousness