Stadiums | Teams | History | Rules | Misc. |
What is Beaver Stadium?
What is the name of Penn State University's Stadium?
What is Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Northwestern, Purdue, and Wisconsin?
2 of the seven teams in the original Big 10 conference
When is 1869?
Year of the first college football game
What is 25?
The first rule about players on a side
What is Gator?
The mascot of The University of Florida
Who is Billy Napier?
Who is the head coach at Flordia?
What is Yale?
The name of the team that played the first-night game
When is 1877?
Year the uniform was introduced
What is 3?
The number of downs you had to get a first down
What is Red and White?
The colors of Rutgers University
What is Penn State, Ohio State, Michigan, Florida, and Alabama?
The 5 schools with 100,000 carrying capacity at their stadium
What is University of California and Stanford?
The two teams that played the first game out west
When is 1890's?
The year conferences started being formed
What is 6?
The number of points a touchdown is worth
What is soccer ball?
The first ball used in football Hint: not a football
What is 18?
How many National Championships has Alabama won?
What is Rutgers University and Princeton University?
The first two teams who played football
What is BCS Bowl Championship Series?
The name of the series of bowls created in 1998
What is 1880?
The year the rules were revised when 11 players were on each side
What is 119?
The number of teams in Division I football
What is Harvard?
Who built the first stadium in 1903?
What is Columbia, Yale, Harvard, and Stevens Tech?
The first 4 teams in college football
Who is Walter Camp?
The name of the man known to all as the father of college football
What is 100 yards long and 160 feet wide?
The length and width of a football field now
When is 1990?
The year Penn State Football entered the B10